Top 3 Ways for How to Find a Good Product to Sell on Shopify

Panos Tzitzinos
4 min readAug 18, 2021

You’re an idea machine that runs on coffee, unceasing optimism, and way too many late nights. Smell that? It’s the midnight oil and your candle burning at both ends.

Becoming a successful Shopify merchant is incredibly rewarding, but it comes with its challenges. One of the biggest obstacles Shopify merchants face is finding those products that sell faster than you can say diamond SKU.

Consistently hitting those homerun product ideas can be stressful and tricky. But we’ve got a few of those tricks up our sleeves to make your Shopify merchant life easier.

If you’re looking for easy strategies for how to find a good product to sell on Shopify, keep on scrolling for insider secrets you can start using right away.

No master’s degree or superhuman energy required.

#1. Jump on trends early

If you recognize a growing trend early as the wave begins to crest, you can ride that wave to business victory. Jumping on trends early gives you a chance to capture a place in the market and establish your brand as a leader before your competitors even know what’s up.

Plus, early birds don’t have to spend as much on PPC ads since opportunities here are less saturated early in the game. Getting a headstart on trends in the consumer market also helps you build long-term SEO traffic.

The key to using this strategy for how to find a good product to sell on Shopify is to distinguish between fads and trends:

  • Fads burst onto the scene based on gimmicks. Think tech decks, fidget spinners, and slime. You probably won’t remember a fad after it passes, and fads tend to be remembered with some degree of embarrassment for participants.
  • Trends meet an existing market need in a novel way. Demands for trends typically have staying power. At one time, Facebook was a trend among college students. Now, look at it.

All right, gang. Here are a few tips within a tip for how to find trends to exploit early for your Shopify store’s success:

  • Engage in social listening — Check for trending hashtags on social media to monitor trends as they start making headway. You can use spying tools like SproutSocial and TweetReach to get started with social listening.
  • Monitor Google Trends — Track a given topic’s popularity overtime via Google Trends to get a jumpstart on what’s piquing consumer interest.
  • Sleuth with Trend HunterTrend Hunter uses AI, data, and consumer insights to pick up on new opportunities in emerging and established markets.
  • Get free info with Reddit — No subscription or credit card required. Reddit is the front page of the internet, and it’s free to research any topic, like, ever. Check out the popular page for emerging trends.

Found a trending product opportunity? Save your money. Make sure you test its viability before you start investing.

#2. Test before launching

You won’t honestly know if you’ve hit on a winning product idea until you get paid. So even if your spidey senses say yes, this product is gold, you don’t want to invest heavily in a new idea until you know, for sure, it’s going to be profitable.

You can test customers’ interest the easier, cheaper way by building a landing page to promote your product idea.

Use some paid ads to drive traffic to the lander. Give interested customers a way to leave their email addresses so you can notify them when (or if) the product officially launches.

#3. Read customer reviews

Customer reviews are a goldmine for how to find an excellent product to sell on Shopify. First, check your existing products and see what your customers are saying. You might find some interesting bits of info that can give you inspiration for new ideas.

Pay particular attention to negative feedback. This can help you improve on an existing product line with bigger, better offerings. Also, check out your competitors’ reviews.

What improvements do customers want in a competitor’s existing products? Look for patterns in issues and desires customers consistently voice in the reviews section for new ideas for your Shopify store.

Get started with these tips today for how to find an excellent product to sell on Shopify.

Remember to always test before you launch. That’ll save your bacon and ensure that a trend you’ve discovered has some staying power and will be profitable.

Use free and paid spying tools to look for emerging trends. Check customer reviews for your products and competitors’ reviews for new opportunities to exploit.

How much would you love to tell people I own a popular Shopify store when they ask what you do for a living? Let’s make you the person with the cool job at the next backyard BBQ.

Reach out to us today, and we’ll get back to you faster than Jeff Bezos’ rocket ship.



Panos Tzitzinos

Founder at eCommerce expert An avid Business, Marketing and Self-Improvement reader.